October 2022 Stats


New Projects *


Completed Projects *


Work In Progress

* A new record high

We’re delighted with our project stats for this month. Thank you to our team for their work and our clients’ ongoing support. We’ve been working on design projects for the following industries:

  • Automotive
  • Consumer Products
  • Energy
  • Information Technology
  • Medical Devices
  • Packaging

Demand for Rendering and Animation

Wobble engine created using SolidWorks

Since joining WHC in September, our trainee Luke has worked on numerous client projects.

As we’re receiving more enquiries for our rendering and animation services, Luke has been learning to use SolidWorks to create complex assemblies and motion studies that will be used to make photo-realistic animations.

Exploded view of the Wobble Engine

Clients find this service particularly helpful for demonstrating new products and ideas to potential clients and investors. As shown in the images of the WHC Wobble Engine, different materials and finishes are applied to create a photo-realistic. The full animation will show the engine from 360° degrees. Watch this space to see more!





To learn more about any of our 2D or 3D design services, please visit the White Horse CAD website or call 01373 801 803.