Welcome to this week’s Fun Fact.
Regardless of your car of choice, you will be familiar with the product item in the spotlight. A Volvo employee invented the three-point seat belt in modern vehicles. But do you know the company gave the patent to other carmakers… free of charge?
Volvo felt the invention’s true value was saving lives, hence sharing with others. Given that most companies want to protect breakthroughs like this, the move by Volvo is unusual but nice!
The fact is also timely as we are currently working with a client to help achieve a patent. The range of protection is greater by producing both the preferred and additional embodiments. With over thirty years of experience and six patents, we are well-positioned to ensure drawings meet the strict requirements of the Patent Lawyer. So far, we have 31 sheets of drawings to define every feature within the design. Our 3D printer has come into its own by creating accurate models to aid the drawings.
The image to the left gives an idea of the drawings we provide. We can’t reveal details of the current patent, but we can say it’s a great project! Since the initial concept, we have overcome challenges by consulting directly with the client and optimising their expertise. We pride ourselves on listening to our clients and providing constructive feedback. It’s exciting to have near-completion drawings ready for the Patent application.
Do you have an idea you’d like to explore further? Be it an adaption to an existing product or something entirely new; we provide mechanical design expertise to a wide range of industries. As a reminder, we provide clients with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The NDA gives extra assurance that your information is safe with us. To learn more about our services, please visit our website and get in touch on 01373 801 803.