Cost Reduction

Companies all over the UK are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds every year because their products are not being made cost-effectively. A recent cost reduction project conducted by White Horse CAD gave one of our clients a projected 3900% Return on Investment (ROI) in the first 12 months alone. Read more…

White Horse CAD client recommendation

We love getting feedback from our clients and always try our best to exceed their expectations… This is what one of our clients said about White Horse CAD Recently…. Want to be the first to read our news?… sign up here… Have a project you would like to discuss?… Contact us here…

How we can help Engineers

Suppose you own or manage a small to medium-sized engineering company with CNC capacity. In that case, you will be all too familiar with receiving 2D Drawings of complex parts without having access to the 3D data that would make programming your CNC machines simpler.   These are just some Read more…

Flatten your products

White Horse CAD can quite literally flatten your products… in a good way, of course. Unless you have spent a few years in a sheet metal workshop, you will have more than a few problems when it comes to creating flat pattern developments for complex or even very simple geometry. Read more…

3 Stage Design Process

We are helping you develop new products using our streamlined three Stage Design Process that will help you be the first to market. Please contact us to arrange a meeting or conference call to find out more. We understand your need to get things moving, and meetings will be arranged Read more…

Mount Realisation

Completing your journey to Mount Realisation   You have probably arrived here after a journey along The Iterative Highway. If this is your first visit here, you may want to start your journey at The Hill of Hope. If you have already been through The Iterative Highway then you are probably ready to start Read more…

The Iterative Highway

Cost-effective travel along the Iterative Highway Do you have an idea for a new product and have already built a proof of concept prototype you are just about to take a journey along The Iterative Highway? If this is your first visit here, you may want to start your journey Read more…