
White Horse CAD is your go-to one-stop design consultancy. One of our core values is that the fundamental design principles are the same, in every industry. The scale may change, but there are four fundamental challenges that remain the same for EVERY project. Form, fit, and function drive every design decision. Read more…

Architect, Planner, Baker, Jewellery Maker…

I am a guest speaker at the BNI Bath Parade meeting this week, where I will be talking about White Horse CAD services. It’s helpful to network with other businesses and seek opportunities for new business as often people think Computer-Aided Design is just for engineering and manufacturing professionals. Although Read more…

Tim Bird

Drawings everywhere

This week’s blog post is a little different, but it nicely reflects what we have been working on for our clients this month. We have spent the month creating hundreds and hundreds of engineering drawings for our clients. While many of our clients understand engineering drawings and the standards we Read more…

New Large Format Plotting Service

We are proud to announce the launch of our Large Format Printing service. Do you have A1, A2, or A3 engineering drawings or site plans but only have access to an A4 printer? If so, you know the pain of reading large format prints on small pieces of paper. Our Read more…

Wobbler Engine Piston Bearing

This is the third in our series of posts where we are sharing drawings for the White Horse CAD Wobbler Engine. This week we will look at the Wobbler Engine Piston Bearing. This post is a day late because we had a few technical issues with the website. Next week Read more…

CAD Time Lapse

People often ask how we create CAD models and drawings… This time-lapse shows the process of designing a simple shaft and then creating an engineering drawing for it. Want to be the first to read our news?… sign up here. Have a project you would like to discuss?… Contact us here.