
White Horse CAD is your go-to one-stop design consultancy. One of our core values is that the fundamental design principles are the same, in every industry. The scale may change, but there are four fundamental challenges that remain the same for EVERY project. Form, fit, and function drive every design decision. Read more…

3D Printed Process Tooling

Have you ever been in a position where you are struggling to complete an assembly because you could use a third or even fourth hand? One of our clients had precisely this problem. Two parts to hold and a pin to introduce. We helped our clients solve this problem with Read more…

SolidWorks Design

Improving existing consumer products

For this week’s blog, we’re focusing on existing parts. Designs evolve to meet the needs of our clients and consumers. We provide the expertise and experience to make this happen. This is just one of the reasons our clients return to us. Our recent work involves making design changes to Read more…

How your project could benefit from 3D printing

In this week’s news, you may have read that a baby’s life was saved by surgeons who could visualise and prepare for mending her broken skull with 3D printed replica. Using scans of the baby’s head, a replica model was created ahead of the surgery. We think you’ll agree this Read more…

Gain early design insight using our effective 3D prototypes

So you’ve progressed your idea and now have the engineering drawings. But how can you better explain the product before manufacturing? How can you check the fit, form, and function is as intended? This is a common scenario and one we can confidently help with. Queue ‘the prototype’ –  an Read more…

Reverse Engineering helping you to Spring into action!

Welcome to this week’s blog. With Spring in the air, there’s a distinct sound of people taking to their gardens and lawnmowers firing up. Hopefully, you find all your machinery in fine working order. However, have you ever had the frustration of going to start a job only to realise Read more…

Your first choice design partner

It’s nice to have brighter days and frosty morning walks to awaken the senses! This week is all about drawings. These are for a new part measuring 1m in length to form a larger assembly. So far, we’ve created 90 drawing views. This amount of drawings means we can ensure Read more…

2022 – let’s make your ideas a reality

Welcome to our first blog of 2022! We hope you’ve had an enjoyable break and are looking forward to the year ahead. We’re feeling refreshed & are now back working on our latest projects, including; designs for injection moulding tools, an outdoor structure & a medical device. It’s quite a Read more…

Architect, Planner, Baker, Jewellery Maker…

I am a guest speaker at the BNI Bath Parade meeting this week, where I will be talking about White Horse CAD services. It’s helpful to network with other businesses and seek opportunities for new business as often people think Computer-Aided Design is just for engineering and manufacturing professionals. Although Read more…

Moving massive machines with your hands

Last week we worked on a project a little different from the norm. The image on the right shows some 3D prints lined up on top of a building plan. This helped a client play with “what if” scenarios and consider options by changing the position of 3D prints on Read more…