Add value not cost

This week’s Fun Friday Fact comes from the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. The lead structural engineer named Joseph Strauss insisted on installing a safety net even though its $130,000 (£94,948.30) cost was deemed excessive. Over the four years Read more…

Bring forth a challenge

Another busy week here and another thought-provoking Friday Fun Fact: ‘In 1891, Chicago issued a challenge to all engineers to build a structure that would surpass the Eiffel Tower. The engineer who won proposed a giant rotating wheel that will Read more…

Jpbowen, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

‘Nothing is impossible’

Welcome to our first blog post of 2021. Let’s start by sharing a Fun Friday Fact …. ‘In the 1920s, newly hired engineers at General Electric would be told, as a joke, to develop a frosted lightbulb. The experienced engineers Read more…

2020 Review and highlights

On review, it’s been a busy, productive year at White Horse CAD. Our host of in-house engineering services is in full swing, and there have been many highlights. It has, of course, due to COVID presented challenges, but we’re thankful Read more…