Will it hold?

It looks like we have another problem to solve! This work bag is sitting on the living room floor and really needs to be hung up somewhere. The problem is this bag weighs a metaphorical ton! It has a laptop, an A4 diary, documents, some sample products and a few Read more…

Low cost, functional prototypes

Sometimes the best way to evaluate a design is to make it and physically test it. However, the cost of low-volume component manufacture can often be prohibitive to product development. A 3D printed plastic rapid prototype can help the product development and decision-making processes. Questions such as, “Is it comfortable Read more…

Solving a problem

What a disaster! White Horse CAD has a reputation for solving problems, no matter how big or small. So when we got home after a long day to find the only bottle opener was missing, we had to solve the problem using some of our usual tools. Let’s look at Read more…

WHC – the first two weeks

Things are moving pretty fast here at White Horse CAD. We have been doing lots of networking and meeting prospective clients and starting to work on some interesting design projects. SolidWorks 2017 We took delivery of SolidWorks 2017 last week and have been enjoying finding out the new features and Read more…

1 Day to Go

Why should I use White Horse CAD Limited’s services? T minus 1 Days: The final countdown…. If you have been following White Horse CAD Limited’s countdown since the 8th of August, hopefully the answer to this question is clear, but if you have just found us, or would like a Read more…

2 Days to Go

How are White Horse CAD Limited going to deliver their services? T minus 2 Days: The countdown to launch day continues…. White Horse CAD Limited is born from a passion to exceed every customers expectations and we strive to deliver our services in a professional manner, on budget and within Read more…

3 Days to Go

When are White Horse CAD Limited Opening? T minus 3 Days: The countdown to launch day continues…. White Horse CAD Limited will be open for business on August 15th 2017. Yes, we know its a strange day to start a business, the middle of the month, on a Tuesday… But Read more…