The Autumn sunshine continues here at the office, as does the workstream. Although the projects vary, cost and time effectiveness are common factors when we receive a design brief. Combine these two factors, and you can also achieve the unwritten desirable: minimal stress!
Getting to the crux of a design problem and providing a solution is what we do best, and is no different this week. It’s a busy one of visiting clients to understand their design needs and, in some cases, retrieve the parts in question. That’s why we want to share insight into a particular job.
Read on to find out more…
We’ve got a client’s flight case, there’s no existing CAD, so we’re physically measuring it to create a 3D model. Accuracy is essential, and by utilising SolidWorks, we are designing a configurable assembly (click here to see SolidWorks in action).
The beauty of this is, the model can be easily updated. Moderations can be to a defined size or adapted to fit the contents. Or it could be changing the colour of the finish on the render. Either way, the configurable assembly saves the client time and money as we don’t have to start from scratch whenever a change is needed. For these reasons, the configurable model can give an edge over competitors by responding to requests for cases more quickly.
Could your product benefit from having a configurable assembly? To learn more about our design services, please visit the White Horse CAD website or call us – at 01373 801 803.