Humble beginnings

If you’re reading this on your computer, glance down to see the product in the spotlight for today’s fun fact. If you’re not, here are some hints: For some, this will be a simple tool that makes your work easier. It might be a plug-in or wireless. It could have Read more…

Reliable and functional – it has to be Finite Element Analysis

This Friday, we’re sharing a fact about size and weight. Do you know the first programmable computer invented in 1945 weighed 27200Kg? It’s a far cry from the lightweight device we’re accustomed to. With approximately 5,000,00 hand-soldered joints, its size was necessary to home all the components and for the Read more…

Getting the right pace

Do you know the first speeding offence in the UK happened in 1896? Walter Arnold was caught breaking the then speed limit of just two mph! His ‘horseless carriage’ was travelling at a dizzy eight mph – even this seems slow in today’s age. We don’t know how Arnold’s speed Read more…

The importance of Intellectual Property at your fingertips

For this Friday’s fact, we need to look no further than our fingertips. Do you know Christopher Sholes invented the QWERTY keyboard in 1873? It takes its name from the first six letters on the top left of your keyboard. The theory is during the development of typewriters, the layout of Read more…

Stepping out

Due to Good Friday, we’re a day ahead with this weeks ‘Friday Fact’ – it’s not an April Fools’ trick to try and catch you out honest! Much as we love an engineering-based fact, we fancy a change this week and are going for a more personal touch. With Spring Read more…