Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 7: Protecting your Ideas

In some cases the most appropriate way to protect a design is to apply for Registered Design Rights. This is much more cost effective than a patent and only takes a few weeks. However while registered design rights offers protection for the overall shape or form of a product, it Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 6: Using a Sketch Picture in SolidWorks

Nature is a great source of inspiration for product design. As is using existing product images to re-create geometry. The problem is that although there are billions of photos in the world, they don’t often come with a scale bar for reference. However If you Have SolidWorks you are able Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 5: Conditional Formatting in Excel

Conditional formatting allows you to format an excel cell, or cells, in a particular way depending on the data contained in the cell. For example, a quick glance of the simple spreadsheet below does not make it obvious which clients have paid or which orders have been shipped. Formatting each Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 4: Simple Turning Tool Set Up

See warning and disclaimer at the bottom of the page!! Correctly positioning the cutting point of your turning tool in relationship to the centreline of your lathe is critical to a number of things, but most notibaly… Tool life Surface finish (also affected by geometry) Cutting efficiency On many modern CNC machines tool height Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 3: Simple html

I have been learning some basic HTML code to improve the quality of some of the websites I manage and thought posting what I have learnt would be a useful resource for others who are getting into the world of HTML code. The Horizontal Divider line To produce a horizontal Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 2: Avoiding Chatter on a Lathe

Please see the warning and disclaimer at the bottom of the page!! Just about every engineer who has ever used a centre lathe has at some point had the misfortune of uncontrollable chatter. There are many causes, and a good number of solutions, I will do my best to explain Read more…

Twelve Tips of Christmas: Tip 1: Special Characters Ø, ©, ±, °… [PC]

Imagine you’re writing a report or a letter to a friend, and you are telling them it’s really cold outside and write… “The 25mm diameter thermostat reads 3 degrees centigrade and it has an accuracy of plus or minus 1 degree centigrade” while it’s grammatically correct, it can be written Read more…

Merry Christmas from White Horse CAD

White Horse CAD would like to wish all of our clients and contacts a very happy Christmas and a prosperous 2019. 2018 has been quite a year. New clients aside, the biggest event for me was successfully completing our first years in business. We were of course also lucky enough Read more…