Our Ideal Clients

While at a networking event, someone asked me who White Horse CAD’s “Ideal Clients” were? My reply … “We have two main client types… Firstly, companies or individuals who want to get a new product to market. Secondly, companies who require CAD or project management support, such as engineering companies Read more…

A Quick Guide to 3D Printing

There is a very steep learning curve to owning a 3D printer, so we have created “A Quick Guide to 3D Printing”. Which gives you an introduction to FDM/FFD Printing No matter what 3D printing process you are using you need to start with a file that can be “SLICED” Read more…

Save Money on Your Prototypes

An engineering drawing or photo-realistic render can only tell you so much about your new product. If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty of form fit and function then you need to have your new product in your hands.  Conventional prototype manufacturing can be time-consuming and expensive. But Read more…